Give In Person
Donations can be made in person during normal operating hours. Church office hours are Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Checks can be made out to "FBC Collinsville"
PO Box 50 Collinsville, TX 76233
Checks can be designated in the memo toward the "General Fund" or any other ministry you wish to designate.
Give Online
Donations can be made online simply by clicking the button / link below. Returning users are encouraged to make an account.
Experience the power of community and faith during one of our weekly services, where hearts connect, hope is renewed, and we grow together in the love and truth of Christ!
Sunday Worship Service
Church Address
877 E Woodland St, Collinsville Texas 76233
Weekly Services
Sunday School - 9:45 AM
Main Service Time - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship (2nd Sun Only) - 6:00PM
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Youth Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
God Chasers & Mission Friends
Wednesday at 6:00 PM

Sunday School - 9:45 AM
Main Service Time - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship (2nd Sun Only) - 6:00PM
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